Service Videos

To watch a service video, click on the image below with the PLAY arrow in it. We generally have the last 5 Sunday services on this page. To go back in the archives for an earlier service, go to our YouTube channel here: to watch services from the past year. For very early services or audio recordings of the sermon, please contact the church.

The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

September 29, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Numbers 11 : 4 – 6; 10 – 16; 24 – 29

Epistle Reading – James 5 : 13 – 20

Holy Gospel – Mark 9 : 38 – 50

Message –  The Serious Nature of Sin

Pastor: Rev. David Putz

The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

September 22, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Jeremiah 11 : 18 – 20

Epistle Reading – James 3 : 16 – 4 :10

Holy Gospel – Mark 9 : 30 – 37

Message –  He must be servant of all

Pastor: Rev. David Putz

The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

September 15, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 50 : 4 – 10

Epistle Reading – James 3 : 1 – 12

Holy Gospel – Mark 9 : 14 – 29

Message –  I believe, I think I believe!

Pastor: Rev. Dennis Fangmeyer, Emeritus

The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

September 8, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 35 : 4 – 7a

Epistle Reading – James 2 : 1 – 10; 14 – 18

Holy Gospel – Mark 7 : (24 – 30); 31 – 37

Message – Whoever keeps the Law

Pastor David Putz

The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

August 25, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 29 : 11-19

Epistle Reading – Ephesians 5 : 22 – 33

Holy Gospel – Mark 7 : 1 – 13

Message – Their heart is far from me

Pastor David Putz

The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

August 18, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – Proverbs 9 : 1-10

Epistle Reading – Ephesians 5 : 6 – 21

Holy Gospel – John 6 : 51 – 69

Message – You have the words of eternal life

Pastor David Putz

The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

August 11, 2024

Service Time:  10:15am

Divine Service Setting Three 

Old Testament Reading – 1 Kings 19 : 1 – 8

Epistle Reading – Ephesians 4 : 1 – 17, 5 : 2

Holy Gospel – John 6 : 51 – 69

Message – Forgive one another

Pastor David Putz