From the Pastor’s Desk

All Angels Day

September 29 is St. Michael and All Angels Day, also known as Michaelmas, in the church calendar. The origins of the celebration of St. Michael and All Angels goes back to the 5th century. A basilica near Rome was dedicated on September 30 in honor of St. Michael the Archangel. Celebrations took place on the eve of the 30th , but over time the 29th was made the day of celebration. The day recognizes the service of angels in God’s work.

There are only two angels mentioned by name in the bible, Michael and Gabriel. Michael is mentioned in the books of Daniel, Jude and Revelation, and Gabriel is mentioned in Daniel and Luke. Gabriel declared the birth of Christ to Mary. While Michael and Gabriel are the only two named angels in the bible, there are in reality many angels, an uncountable host. Angels are spiritual beings, created by God and serve His purpose and will.

The Greek word for angel (angelos) meant “messenger.” That reveals one of the chief roles of angels. They were messengers, revealing God’s word to His people. At times they announced judgement or served God in executing His judgement (2 Samuel 24:16-17 for example). Other times they announced significant messages to His people. For example, angels appeared to the shepherds in Luke 2 to announce the birth of Christ to them. Angels also oppose the work of Satan and his minions. They also protect Christians and especially His church.

Popular culture has always been fascinated by angels, and we shouldn’t confuse some of the culture’s ideas for the true biblical teaching on angels. For example, we shouldn’t think of angels as short, chubby little beings floating around with harps. Angels are in reality very powerful, and sometimes their description in the bible border on frightening. In Isaiah 6, we are told, “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train[a] of his robe filled the temple. 2Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”

In setting aside a day in the church calendar to commemorate the role of angels in God’s
kingdom, we are not worshipping angels. Rather we are glorifying God and thanking Him for the role angels play in serving His will.

In Christ,

Rev. David L. Putz, Pastor
Holy Cross Lutheran Church (LCMS)
Crawfordsville, Indiana

Good things are happening at Holy Cross!  Praise God for that.  When we keep Word and Sacrament ministry at the heart of what we do, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is sown.  As we share the Word, God gives the growth and we rejoice as humble stewards of the God who changes lives and hearts.  Help us always, Lord, to keep Your Word at the center of our life together under your Holy Cross!

Please continue to pray for our congregation and each other.  Don’t forget to visit our church website to find links for all our services on YouTube.