Welcome – we’re glad you are going to worship with us. To make the most of your worship experience, here is a little bit about our service. Please make sure you sign our guest book in the Narthex so Pastor can contact you later if desired.
We use the Lutheran Service Book for our orders of service. Our services are liturgical in nature and provide an excellent opportunity to connect the parts of the service directly with scripture.

Most hymns we sing are also from the Lutheran Service Book. We have a four rank pipe organ and our organist provides music for the hymns as well as for the service liturgy and pre/post service music. We do on occasion use contemporary Christian music with guitar and other instruments for accompaniment.
Communion Practices – we practice a “close communion” service. This means that we welcome all members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod at our communion table. Whether you are an LCMS member or not, please see the Pastor prior to the service if you want to partake of communion. We offer both the common cup and individual cups for communion wine.
Our Sunday School and Adult Bible class begins at 9:00 am and lasts about one hour. The worship service begins at 10:15 am and also lasts about one hour. After the worship service, you are invited to our fellowship hall for some light refreshments and fellowship with our members.
We hope this gives you a bit of insight to our service practices and fellowship. We are glad you are here and hope you return soon.