Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1414 East Wabash Avenue in Crawfordsville, is pleased to have The Reverend David L. Putz serving as our Pastor.

Pastor David Putz was baptized at Our Shepherd Lutheran in Birmingham, Michigan and confirmed at Christ Lutheran in Goodrich, Michigan.
Pastor David received a Master of Divinity in Religious Studies (MDiv) from Concordia Theological Seminary in 1999 and a Bachelor of Art in Religious Studies (BA) from Concordia University, Ann Arbor in 1995.
He served as a vicar at Trinity Lutheran in Lowden, Iowa. His first call was to serve the saints at a dual parish in South Dakota. Pastor David went on to serve congregations in Michigan and Indiana. And, he has served as vacancy pastor in South Dakota, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois.
Pastor David is married to Tina. Tina works at Purdue University in West Lafayette. They have two adult children. Their son is a high school science and math teacher, and his wife teaches language and culture at the middle school. Their son and his wife live in Wisconsin. Their daughter graduated with her PharmD in 2021 from Purdue University and is working at Pfizer through the Rutgers University post-doctoral fellowship program.
Pastor enjoys watching sports, especially baseball and hockey. He is also interested in American history as well as Church history.